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Paulo Coelho Valkyries Pdf Free Download

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Okay. This may sound like I'm dumb or something, but really, I didn't get the point of this novel. I read from somewhere that the book is about "journey of faith, of trust, of forgiveness, of love, of self-discovery, and of battling the darkness within ourselves, and wanting to change". Okay, so I got these messages, but only vaguely. In addition, I read somewhere that this book is semi-biographical - but is it? Did all those events REALLY happen? I find myself wondering which events were real, Okay. This may sound like I'm dumb or something, but really, I didn't get the point of this novel. I read from somewhere that the book is about "journey of faith, of trust, of forgiveness, of love, of self-discovery, and of battling the darkness within ourselves, and wanting to change". Okay, so I got these messages, but only vaguely. In addition, I read somewhere that this book is semi-biographical - but is it? Did all those events REALLY happen? I find myself wondering which events were real, and which were fiction. For this matter, I categorized The Valkyries under my "literature-fiction" bookshelf. Moreover, I got disturbed by how the male protagonist treated his wife. I mean, I felt like he was just "taking her for granted". Last but not least, I got bored with the story and how it progressed.

Due to these factors, I didn't finish reading the novel. I finally closed the book shortly after the wife had a battle with the leader of the valkyries. As of this writing, I still haven't opened The Valkyries again, but I'm hoping I will some day. Also, I bought other Paulo Coelho books, and I hope that when I get to read them, I will see for myself why many people like his works.

What i learned from this book? The reason why we always try to destroy the things/people we love. And what our angels really look like. And how to "broaden our horizons."

They said this was the most "boring" book Coelho ever wrote. I say they're wrong.

What i learned from this book? The reason why we always try to destroy the things/people we love. And what our angels really look like. And how to "broaden our horizons."

They said this was the most "boring" book Coelho ever wrote. I say they're wrong.

Saadia B. ||  CritiConscience
Not the best work by Coelho I would say. A good baseline but the story was at times haphazard.

Liked the title very well thought "Valkyries" also served as the temptation which led me to complete this book.

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Not the best work by Coelho I would say. A good baseline but the story was at times haphazard.

Liked the title very well thought "Valkyries" also served as the temptation which led me to complete this book.

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Lily Wren
I do usually enjoy Coelho's books and often take something inspiring away from them however, with The Valkyries I am not too sure. Coelho tells the story of his spiritual journey and experiences gained travelling through the desert. Throughout the journey we witness Coelho fighting his inner demons and working towards spiritual enlightenment and self development. We are also introduced to his wife Chris who accompanies Coelho and, in her own way, faces her own inner struggles and spiritual enlig I do usually enjoy Coelho's books and often take something inspiring away from them however, with The Valkyries I am not too sure. Coelho tells the story of his spiritual journey and experiences gained travelling through the desert. Throughout the journey we witness Coelho fighting his inner demons and working towards spiritual enlightenment and self development. We are also introduced to his wife Chris who accompanies Coelho and, in her own way, faces her own inner struggles and spiritual enlightenment.

Throughout the book I found myself sympathising with Chris, becoming annoyed at her husband and following her journey more closely. On some occasions I become frustrated with Coehlo, his sense of importance and, more often, self indulgence. But, having said this, I believe this is what Coehlo wanted to portray and what was involved in his journey of battling against the ego and inner demons.

Coehlo's books often bring spiritual messages that can be inspiring and insightful. However, I feel The Valkyries has nothing further to add except maybe the possiblity of seeing Coehlo stripped bare and laying out his vulnerabilities for all to see which is quite a difficult and admirable thing to do

I never pay too much attention to the plot of Coelho books because the plot is merely a means of this author to get his point across. The chapters of this book do culminate in to a satisfying climax, however the messages in the book are woven in to the detail of the text throughout rather than the end.

I found the third person narrative quite annoying to begin with, it is very perplexing to me as to why someone would choose to write about themselves in the third person. However writing is a cont

I never pay too much attention to the plot of Coelho books because the plot is merely a means of this author to get his point across. The chapters of this book do culminate in to a satisfying climax, however the messages in the book are woven in to the detail of the text throughout rather than the end.

I found the third person narrative quite annoying to begin with, it is very perplexing to me as to why someone would choose to write about themselves in the third person. However writing is a continuous process of experiment so I will cut Mr Coelho some slack. This must have been a difficult book to write, it was certainly a difficult book to read because it was so crammed with wisdom that I wanted to remember every sentence. I would suggest rereading many pages as you go along and taking your time with this piece, you will be rewarded with many great things to churn over in your mind. I read it in six days but I wish I spent ten or more days on it.

I gave this book five stars because Paulo is a gifted thinker and the ideas he produces in his work amaze me at the genius one person can possess. I can understand that many people might be uncomfortable with the topic of angels and associate his work with the oddball wave of the 'New age' authors that have surfaced within the past two or three decades but I beg you to go with it nevertheless.

Lamski Kikita
Nov 06, 2008 rated it really liked it  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Coelho lovers
Why do we ever forget our long conversations with angels as children?

We all grow up and deny wonderful spiritual experiences only to try so hard to find them again as adults.

The book tells of Coelho's journey in the late 80s with his wife in the Mojave desert in search of a band of warrior women dressed in leather preaching about faith called the Valkyries, so he can learn from them how to see his guardian angel.

My favorite part was when the leader of the valkyries told Paulo that he needs not j

Why do we ever forget our long conversations with angels as children?

We all grow up and deny wonderful spiritual experiences only to try so hard to find them again as adults.

The book tells of Coelho's journey in the late 80s with his wife in the Mojave desert in search of a band of warrior women dressed in leather preaching about faith called the Valkyries, so he can learn from them how to see his guardian angel.

My favorite part was when the leader of the valkyries told Paulo that he needs not just courage, but the courage of a woman. That was so powerful and amazing!

This book is about the spiritual quest many of us experience in different ways in search of the same thing. Embracing love and light can lead to our finding what we are looking for.

Mutasim Billah
The only good thing about this book was that it was a relatively easy read. Otherwise, the entire plot and the characters are like the yawn-inducing, bland portraits found in some struggling artist's repertoire. Overused, hipster enigma of fabled tales doesn't work here as well as it did in The Alchemist. The result is boring, colourless and instantly forgettable. The only good thing about this book was that it was a relatively easy read. Otherwise, the entire plot and the characters are like the yawn-inducing, bland portraits found in some struggling artist's repertoire. Overused, hipster enigma of fabled tales doesn't work here as well as it did in The Alchemist. The result is boring, colourless and instantly forgettable. ...more
(review in English below)

Devo ter comprado este livro depois de ter lido O Diário de Um Mago, do mesmo autor, há cerca de 25 anos. Recentemente, e após perceber qual era o tema, decidi "libertá-lo" sem o ler, mas acabei por não resistir e experimentei ler alguns capítulos.

A narrativa revestiu-se de um maior interesse, para mim, depois de ler a Nota do Autor e perceber que este é um relato de acontecimentos que aparentemente foram vividos por Paulo Coelho e pela sua mulher. No entanto, isso não c

(review in English below)

Devo ter comprado este livro depois de ter lido O Diário de Um Mago, do mesmo autor, há cerca de 25 anos. Recentemente, e após perceber qual era o tema, decidi "libertá-lo" sem o ler, mas acabei por não resistir e experimentei ler alguns capítulos.

A narrativa revestiu-se de um maior interesse, para mim, depois de ler a Nota do Autor e perceber que este é um relato de acontecimentos que aparentemente foram vividos por Paulo Coelho e pela sua mulher. No entanto, isso não chegou para o ler até ao fim.

Até à página 140 consegui manter-me minimamente interessada na história, contada através duma escrita muito básica mas eficaz. A partir daí comecei a aborrecer-me com tanta parvoíce e finalmente, depois do capítulo que termina na página 179 e que me desagradou particularmente, decidi dar por encerrada a experiência.

Acredito que este relato possa fazer sentido para algumas pessoas e algumas passagens até fizeram algum sentido para mim, daí o benefício das 2 estrelinhas...

I must have bought this book after I read The Pilgrimage, by the same author, some 25 years ago. Recently, upon realizing what the subject really was, I decided to "realease" it without reading it, but I gave in and I tried reading some chapters.

I took more interest in the story after reading the Author's Note and realizing that this is an account of events apparently experienced by Paulo Coelho and his wife. However, that wasn't enough to make me read all of it.

Until page 140 I managed to keep myself slightly interested in the story, told by way of a very primary, yet effective, writing. From there on I started to get annoyed with so much nonsense and, at last, after a chapter which I rather disliked, I decided to end this experiment.

I believe that this narrative might make sense to some people and a few passages even made some sense to me, hence the 2 star rating...

Desert Solitaire meets Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but this is not as good as either one.
I see how much Coelho struggles to be a good writer and appreciate his effort to capture something mystical, but it doesn't work... I suppose he can make all the deals with the devil he wants, but the gift of writing has not been bestowed, he was cheated ; p
I wonder if he was very jealous of the success of J.K. Rowling when Harry Potter came out? Much better telling of a sort of similar story,
Desert Solitaire meets Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but this is not as good as either one.
I see how much Coelho struggles to be a good writer and appreciate his effort to capture something mystical, but it doesn't work... I suppose he can make all the deals with the devil he wants, but the gift of writing has not been bestowed, he was cheated ; p
I wonder if he was very jealous of the success of J.K. Rowling when Harry Potter came out? Much better telling of a sort of similar story, but in a work of fiction. How is Coelho as popular as he is? Perhaps because of the simplistic writing? Can non-fiction and fiction be compared? Overcoming a cursed past is story many of us want to hear about... would be refreshing to get something like that with a "Catholic perspective."
At the end, in the authors note, he mentions that he needed to write so that the story was accessible to all readers, does this mean he lied about using drugs? It seems like he was dealing cocaine in Brazil and probably used peyote or mesclun in the American Southwest desert...
The book Hole in My Life by Jack Gantos came to mind. A well written memoir of a famous children's book author who had a rough start in his teens and early 20's. A real, honest telling of going from a "bad guy" to becoming the famous author of the beloved Rotten Ralph series. Life can be long and trajectories can change, Gantos story is worth reading.
Florence Lyon
This is a novel about Paulo's journey to find his guardian angel as advised by the master of his secret order. His wife joins him on this one and the story is told in the third person. It starts in Rio and somehow and some reason I forget, they go to the Mojave Desert. Foolishly, one day they go on an outing into the desert and get sunstroke. Luckily, they are rescued and spend a couple of days recovering.

The Valkyries turn out to be a bunch of biker chicks or " warrior women" they meet at a tru

This is a novel about Paulo's journey to find his guardian angel as advised by the master of his secret order. His wife joins him on this one and the story is told in the third person. It starts in Rio and somehow and some reason I forget, they go to the Mojave Desert. Foolishly, one day they go on an outing into the desert and get sunstroke. Luckily, they are rescued and spend a couple of days recovering.

The Valkyries turn out to be a bunch of biker chicks or " warrior women" they meet at a truck stop. The leader is an attractive woman with long red hair who notices him wearing the ring of his secret order. The married couple's encounter with them and further interactions provide some intense moments. I thought it unfair for the main character to be open to advances from the other woman and put his wife on the spot to protect or even "fight for" her marriage. Asshole.

As for when he stands at the mountain roadside waiting for his angel to appear, I didn't get it. Did his angel actually show or was it all a hypnotic experience?

The only reason I stayed with it was looking for any connection between the original meaning of the Valkyries, a battle of sorts and my own life-altering experience. I had reserved this book weeks in advance at the public library in the fall of 2003, with interest to read it after "The Pilgrimage" and very much interested in the study of angels. At times, I tired of reading it due to the weight on my bandaged, healing hands.

I saw it as a tedious story by a man experiencing mid-life crisis. I was relieved when I finally finished it!

This book was more journey than I had thought it would be. It was a personal story of the author and his wife and sometimes I felt uncomfortable by how much was shared. But I also learned more about spiritual quests and how far people can take them. It is like anything else in that it is whatever you want to make it. The story was inspiring for that quest. Some of it was hard to imagine such as the motorcycle group of women touring the US with an intense quest for passing along spiritual knowled This book was more journey than I had thought it would be. It was a personal story of the author and his wife and sometimes I felt uncomfortable by how much was shared. But I also learned more about spiritual quests and how far people can take them. It is like anything else in that it is whatever you want to make it. The story was inspiring for that quest. Some of it was hard to imagine such as the motorcycle group of women touring the US with an intense quest for passing along spiritual knowledge and bonking any man that happens to come along during the process. I love Coelho's books and I loved this one, it is certainly not one that I would recommend to anyone though. It is one that I would recommend selectively. ...more
I was so taken by this book. I've had it for sometime but with most of Coelho's stories, I cannot get into them unless they seem relevant to my own life.
THere is a page long passage in the epilogue. I believe, my reason for reading this book when I did was to come across this passage. It's starts off:
"The day will come when the problem of hunger can be solved through the miracle of the multiplication of the bread[…]"
Lovely story. And I'm sure Valhalla was the female placing the flowers at the si
I was so taken by this book. I've had it for sometime but with most of Coelho's stories, I cannot get into them unless they seem relevant to my own life.
THere is a page long passage in the epilogue. I believe, my reason for reading this book when I did was to come across this passage. It's starts off:
"The day will come when the problem of hunger can be solved through the miracle of the multiplication of the bread[…]"
Lovely story. And I'm sure Valhalla was the female placing the flowers at the site.
✨Bean's Books✨
Was there a story here? If there was then I missed it. The plot is extremely lacking or (at best) very difficult to decern. The conversations are boring as the characters jabber on about nothing consequential. I'm being generous in giving it even 1 star. Ugh, just not a good book. Was there a story here? If there was then I missed it. The plot is extremely lacking or (at best) very difficult to decern. The conversations are boring as the characters jabber on about nothing consequential. I'm being generous in giving it even 1 star. Ugh, just not a good book. ...more
Feb 11, 2014 rated it really liked it
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The Valkyries is my third Coelho. I asked for it for Christmas, having picked a Coelho title at random, and now that I've read it, I think that it's perfect that I read this one third, after By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept and The Alchemist. This is the incredibly personal, true story of Paulo Coelho's life journey from Satan worshiper to spiritual magus, to an emotionally frantic man searching for his guardian angel.

To underst

full review and more book reviews at !

The Valkyries is my third Coelho. I asked for it for Christmas, having picked a Coelho title at random, and now that I've read it, I think that it's perfect that I read this one third, after By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept and The Alchemist. This is the incredibly personal, true story of Paulo Coelho's life journey from Satan worshiper to spiritual magus, to an emotionally frantic man searching for his guardian angel.

To understand this book, you have to have some background knowledge of Coelho's "religion," a Christianity-based theology called "the Tradition" that combines spiritual magic and faith in a Christian god. Coelho, in this memoir, recounts his journey to speak to and see his guardian angel. It is a process that involves intense spiritual trials and the ability to challenge your inner demons. It's about forgiveness, the complexity of the human condition, and the ability to overcome your biggest fears and your most destructive flaws. In these ways, the book excels. It speaks to the human condition in the way it reminds us that each of us has the tendency to "kill what we love the most." But this is about Coelho specifically, and the book almost never strays into the general: this novel is all about Coelho and his past.

In the beginning of the novel, Coelho meets with his master, a man called J. He receives directions to travel from Brazil to the Mojave Desert, to speak to and to meet his angel in person. This feat is a huge accomplishment for Coelho, and he's anxious to achieve it. He's proud and impatient, displaying an arrogance not apparent in the writing style of his other novels.

Coelho brings his wife Christina with him on this 40-day journey, for he fears that his dissatisfaction with married life will be dissolved if he manages to meet his angel and therefore change his flawed personality. Coelho has the tendency to "kill what he loves the most" and before he succumbs to this weakness and leaves his beloved wife because of boredom or childishness, he wants to confront his demons and hopefully reverse the self-destructive path he is on. It's a brave journey, but it also displays Coelho's huge weaknesses, and the novel is almost too personal in the way it describes his marriage to Christina.

I have won important things for myself, but I'm going to destroy them, because I tell myself they have lost their meaning. I know that is not true. I know they are important, and that if I destroy them, I'll be destroying myself, as well.

So where do the Valkyries come in? The Valkyries is a traveling band of leather-wearing, motorcycle-riding women who preach up and down the Mojave Desert and its surrounding areas. Led by a woman named Valhalla, the Valkyries adopt Coelho when they realize he is of their "Tradition" and guide him through the trials necessary for him to finally meet his angel. Valhalla also tests his fidelity and his dedication to his wife. And Christina, who never really believed in her husband's magic at all, begins to feel her worldview changing and widening, engaging in her own spiritual journey that seemed to me more rich and rewarding than Coelho's.

They had seen the same mountains, and the same trees, although each of them had seem them differently. She knew his weaknesses, his moments of hatred, of despair. Yet she was there at his side. They shared the same universe.

I thought this novel afforded me singular access to Coelho's spiritual journey, his personality, his struggles, his magic, and his humanity. His humanity included his many, many flaws, such as his boredom in marriage and his tendency to "kill what he loves the most." But I appreciated his struggle and that he had the forethought and the self-awareness to break the self-destructive path he was on to preserve those things he knows he will regret abandoning. I felt in the first half of the novel that I had gotten to know Coelho as a man rather than just a novelist or spiritual figure. This novel is like reading a journal. Or a blog ;)

However, I found myself relating to Christina more than Paulo. Her spiritual journey is less about proving her power than it is about discovering herself and who she wants to be. Her journey was graceful, open-minded, and not the frantic, chaotic journey Coelho has. I think that's the point: Christina is written as an incredibly forgiving, strong character willing to stand by her husband despite her flaws, despite her sense that their marriage is indeed crumbling.

Reading this novel did shatter that blind admiration I had for Coelho after reading those first two novels, but it also elicited a strong feeling of respect. Penning this book required a huge amount of courage and self-awareness, knowing that your personal life and past indiscretions will be read by all your fans. This novel let me discover Coelho the man more than the other two I'd read, and it makes me eager to read his other novels now, knowing what I know about the author. This closeness is what separates Coelho from other authors: the work is almost indistinguishable from the man, which makes for an altogether different reading experience. It is a bit like reading a diary, albeit slightly fictionalized.

In the end, I didn't enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed The Alchemist because the reader cannot so easily understand the arcane trials and Coelho's personal "Tradition." You can't be the "boy" in this book as you could with The Alchemist. And while the tone comes off as both apologetic and rebellious, I did gain new insight into a new favorite author and found the experience rewarding. More Coelho in future.

Jan 14, 2009 rated it it was ok  · review of another edition
Recommended to Apokripos by: the "Voice"
Angels Brought me Here
(A book Review of Paulo Coelho's The Valkyries)

In the Author's Note at the back of this book Paulo Coelho said: "Anyone who has read The Valkyries, will know that this book is very different from The Pilgrimage, The Alchemist and Brida" — true enough it is.

The Valkyries sets off in Brazil when Paulo's Master, J., gives him (yet another) a task: "to break the curse" by speaking with his angels. One week later, he and his wife Christina are on the road to the starkly beautifu

Angels Brought me Here
(A book Review of Paulo Coelho's The Valkyries)

In the Author's Note at the back of this book Paulo Coelho said: "Anyone who has read The Valkyries, will know that this book is very different from The Pilgrimage, The Alchemist and Brida" — true enough it is.

The Valkyries sets off in Brazil when Paulo's Master, J., gives him (yet another) a task: "to break the curse" by speaking with his angels. One week later, he and his wife Christina are on the road to the starkly beautiful yet dangerous Mojave Desert to seek "contacts," people that will help and guide him on a forty day quest to look for the Valkyries, leather clad warrior women who cruise around the desert on motorcycle that will show Paulo, and Christina as well, how to converse with their angels.

I believe the book started out quite strong and, to be honest with you, I was moved by the central question it relates to the reader: "Why do we destroy the things we love most?" But as I progress it just become trudging reading for me. Half way through the book I'm still clueless how communicating with angels will truly help Paulo on his spiritual search — and I still am puzzled over it after closing the book. I was taken aback that what the author's been trying to say can all be just condensed into a simple message in the epilogue of the book.

The main thing why this book just didn't really work for me is that it lacked the fabulist magic of The Alchemist and failed to capture the simple spiritual teachings that The Pilgrimage: A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom presented. It also seems to me that Coelho talks down to his reader, well not actually him, but this one concerns the Valkyries whose principles I find too preachy and overtly one-dimensional that it all unsuccessfully made an impression to me.

Even so, The Valkyries retains some of the quintessential Coelho elements and has its share of rosy moments: one that really made an impact to me was when Chris learns "to look at the horizon." This for me works as a literal truth and a striking metaphor. A truth as I consider it a rare ability to live in the present, in the now all the while striving to strike a balance in a world that shouts for our constant attention; a metaphor in that it is much harder to attain a broad perspective of one's life and sense of self. One of the things I consider the book's strong point is that we encounter a different Coelho in its pages as we see him reveal details on his private life, on his almost failing marriage and in the process makes himself vulnerable, exposed to the judgment of others. As it is, the book is also peppered with nuggets of wisdom here and there, some of which I quote below:

"Someone once said that the Earth produces enough to satisfy needs, but not enough to satisfy greed."

"Faith is a difficult conquest, and it requires daily combat in order to be maintained."

"That's what infatuation is: the creation of an image of someone, with out advising that someone as to what the image is."

I have faith in The Valkyries core message of "letting go of the past and believing in the future" in that I'm looking beyond this one and hopefully Paulo Coelho's upcoming book that I'll read soon will be none such as this.

Initially, I had found the book easily-put-downable. However, there were two things that kept me thumbing through the pages. Firstly, this verse:

And each man kills the thing he loves,
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword.

My first impression to it was, "That's a total lie! It can't be true for everyone." But as I'd turned over the page, I found out that the master (J.) of the protagonist (Paulo)

Initially, I had found the book easily-put-downable. However, there were two things that kept me thumbing through the pages. Firstly, this verse:

And each man kills the thing he loves,
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword.

My first impression to it was, "That's a total lie! It can't be true for everyone." But as I'd turned over the page, I found out that the master (J.) of the protagonist (Paulo) wanted this curse to be broken. And I, in turn, wanted to see how this would be done.

Secondly, it was the character Chris (the wife of Paulo)who kept me riveted to the book. Somehow, in some aspects, I could see a reflection of myself in Chris and so I wanted to know how does she overcome her flaws.

As in all his other books, Paulo invites the readers to love, be courageous, and dream!

James Hewkin
Boring, pedantic and pointless. Full to the brim with trivial new-age denial tactics designed to distract Coelho's fans from their failed lives, miserable vegan diets and god-awful joss-stick stink. I would burn this book if I wasn't now so afraid of offending the god of fire.
Mashal Ahmad
I rated this book with four stars at start, then I thought about and change it to three. WHY? I'm not sure, I don't know how I feel about this book. Just as they say it's a biography of the author with a little bit of fictitious events, so that's why it's different. It's different when you read fiction, because your are prepared for all sort of supernatural and occult events. It's easy to accept them given the account that they are fabricated, that they are suppose to be the way they are and tha I rated this book with four stars at start, then I thought about and change it to three. WHY? I'm not sure, I don't know how I feel about this book. Just as they say it's a biography of the author with a little bit of fictitious events, so that's why it's different. It's different when you read fiction, because your are prepared for all sort of supernatural and occult events. It's easy to accept them given the account that they are fabricated, that they are suppose to be the way they are and that there is no limitation to one's imaginations. But when it comes to biographies and REAL life experiences, so it become hard to accept such occult abstractions, more less the events.

But I liked the book, for it's simplicity. Paulo Coelho knows how to express all those weird ideas in simple terms, also to make the simple actions and behaviors notable. It doesn't need much effort to understand what he try to convey.

"That's what infatuation is: The creation of an image of someone, without advising that someone as to what the image is". "Each would always be fascinated by the other–so long as each remained exactly what the other imagined."
That's dejected but that's what reality is.Half of our relationship problem arises from this, because we fail to distinguish between love and infatuation.

Besides He mentioned angels. I've always taken all his accounts about magic and angels metaphorically. Yes! we all have voices inside us, guiding us, warning us and consoling us. We call it intuition. Replace them with terms like instincts, sixth sense, divination, revelation etc. He called them angels and I understand but I never thought about their corporeal existence and I'm not sure if he meant exactly when talking about their appearances and that's the problem, because you never know to take it literally or metaphorically.

I'm curious about the Valkyries, if they really exist. I'm intrigue if there are still those sort of people seeking those sort of magic. I'm unable to comprehend how a person leave everything behind in search for the unknown. He talk about following you dreams, but I don't know what that dream is and how are you suppose to find it. He talk about new world and I'm curious what changes it may bring. He talk about the conspiracy and the occult traditions and I'm curious if it really work the way he showed.

I liked the concept of second mind, The convenience behind small difficulties, and the message about forgiving ourselves and our past and believing in our future. I had difficulties accepting the events but I liked the message and I think that's what actually matters.

The thing I like most about Coelho books is 'The Quotes'.
"When God wants to drive a person insane, he grants that person's every wish."
"Someone once said that the earth produces enough to satisfy needs, but not enough to satisfy
"People destroy what they love."
So if you are a quotation fan and you don't get offended by literal events and personal convictions, then you might really enjoy this book.

Pramudith Rupasinghe
I loved 'Veronica Decide to die' the most among the books of Coelho, Alchemist to some extent but I did not find it a realistic book, Eleven minuets I loved-it has well pitched to earthy realities. Valkyries, is well written but it was not my cup of tea. I believe that is for a different group of readers. And I do not criticize the book, it was just I did not like it but it well written and demonstrates the extraordinary story telling skills of the author.
I loved 'Veronica Decide to die' the most among the books of Coelho, Alchemist to some extent but I did not find it a realistic book, Eleven minuets I loved-it has well pitched to earthy realities. Valkyries, is well written but it was not my cup of tea. I believe that is for a different group of readers. And I do not criticize the book, it was just I did not like it but it well written and demonstrates the extraordinary story telling skills of the author.
Elvira Atvara
In "The Valkyries" i found a different Coelho, one I didn't like. The message of the book appears to be clear and beautiful, but underneath it all the waters are muddy. I found it really challenging to read; had I not been spending so much time in the airport these days, I might not have finished it at all. Maybe I am just a very conservative christian, but it appears to be clearly stated in the Bible, which Coelho quotes so much, that witchcraft is wrong. It was hard for me to understand how Ch In "The Valkyries" i found a different Coelho, one I didn't like. The message of the book appears to be clear and beautiful, but underneath it all the waters are muddy. I found it really challenging to read; had I not been spending so much time in the airport these days, I might not have finished it at all. Maybe I am just a very conservative christian, but it appears to be clearly stated in the Bible, which Coelho quotes so much, that witchcraft is wrong. It was hard for me to understand how Christianity goes together with esoteric stuff. As my friend stated it, "it is full of New Age crap".
Of course, it might be a completely different experience for others, but I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.
Sep 13, 2021 rated it liked it
It was okay. Not my favorite of Coelho's books.

My favorite portion was on the topic of living life in the comfort of a routine-

"When we are young, we don't take anything too seriously. But slowly, this set of daily rituals becomes solidified, and takes us over. Once things have begun to go along pretty much as we imagined they would, we don't dare risk altering the ritual. We like to complain, but we are reassured by the fact that each day is more or less like every other. At least there is no

It was okay. Not my favorite of Coelho's books.

My favorite portion was on the topic of living life in the comfort of a routine-

"When we are young, we don't take anything too seriously. But slowly, this set of daily rituals becomes solidified, and takes us over. Once things have begun to go along pretty much as we imagined they would, we don't dare risk altering the ritual. We like to complain, but we are reassured by the fact that each day is more or less like every other. At least there is no unexpected danger.

"That way, we are able to avoid any inner or outer growth, except for the kinds that are provided for within the ritual: so many children, such and such a kind of promotion, this and that kind of financial success. When the ritual becomes consolidated, the person becomes a slave."

Coelho's hero here is his stand-in, a follower of magic and spirituality that seems quite overwhelming to the story, a big personality. This character's wife is more of a normal person. The book is about how they both relate to the spiritual quest of the hero, with the wife dragged along and by the end appearing to learn more. This one just didn't grab me. I found the story similar to other hero quest stories, but this seemed too familiar, reminding me of late night B movies about witches and de Coelho's hero here is his stand-in, a follower of magic and spirituality that seems quite overwhelming to the story, a big personality. This character's wife is more of a normal person. The book is about how they both relate to the spiritual quest of the hero, with the wife dragged along and by the end appearing to learn more. This one just didn't grab me. I found the story similar to other hero quest stories, but this seemed too familiar, reminding me of late night B movies about witches and demons and such. Not the best of Coelho's stories. ...more
Ron Wroblewski
This book seems a mixture of Don Juan and Og Mandino. Paulo says most of it was true. It is his search in the southwest US of meeting his angel. There are mixtures of religion - New Age, Catholic etc - in the search for a new world. But I don't believe that truly spiritual people would act as some of the ones in the story, especially the Valkyries. Not really a good read for me. This book seems a mixture of Don Juan and Og Mandino. Paulo says most of it was true. It is his search in the southwest US of meeting his angel. There are mixtures of religion - New Age, Catholic etc - in the search for a new world. But I don't believe that truly spiritual people would act as some of the ones in the story, especially the Valkyries. Not really a good read for me. ...more
Ibrahim Niftiyev
Can't call it a useful reading... Can't call it a useful reading... ...more
I think I'm just not a fan of the two Paulo Coelho books I found.

Alas. I think I am lost. And in the ocean, so to speak.

I think I'm just not a fan of the two Paulo Coelho books I found.

Alas. I think I am lost. And in the ocean, so to speak.

Sara Murshid
Honestly I didnt really get the point of this book..
I picked up 'The Valkyries' by Paulo Coelho for two reasons: one, because I fairly enjoyed 'The Alchemist' (though it didn't live up to all its hype) and two,because I noticed that many people violently disliked Paulo Coelho and so wanted to read a few more of his books to see how I feel about him.
The book takes you on a spiritual journey with Paulo and his wife Chris in which they try to talk to and see their guardian angel. All the events are depicted as true except for one or two minor areas
I picked up 'The Valkyries' by Paulo Coelho for two reasons: one, because I fairly enjoyed 'The Alchemist' (though it didn't live up to all its hype) and two,because I noticed that many people violently disliked Paulo Coelho and so wanted to read a few more of his books to see how I feel about him.
The book takes you on a spiritual journey with Paulo and his wife Chris in which they try to talk to and see their guardian angel. All the events are depicted as true except for one or two minor areas, but honestly I found it a little hard to believe.

"He knew one of the women well, and had shared his universe with her. They had seen the same mountains, and the same trees, although each of them had seem them differently. She knew his weaknesses, his moments of hatred, of despair. Yet she was there at his side. They shared the same universe."

Overall, it was an alright book. I liked it and got some good lessons from it e.g. letting go of the past, following your dreams (again), fear of failure, etc. But other than that I was not very impressed with it. The valyries, who are a bunch of women on motorbikes that believe their mission in the world is to spread the message of love and peace, were my least favourite characters, especially the oldest named 'Valhalla' and I found them to be a bit weird. Their rituals and chants were also highly irritating.

"One way or another, I have wound up destroying what I've loved. I've seen my dreams fall apart just when I seemed to achieve them. I always thought that was just the way life was. My life and everybody else's."

The characters I liked most was a 20 year old Magus Gene and also Paulo's wife Chris, who always felt like an outsider in between magic and communicating with angels and what not. What kept me going was the anxiety to know whether or not they actually see their angels.

"Break a pact. Accept forgiveness. Make a bet."

Would I recommend the book? Perhaps yes, if you're interested in magic, spirituality and the prospect of getting to see your guardian angel. I wasn't bored or anything of that sort, so it wouldn't hurt to try it out. And I would still like to try out more of Paulo's books to come to a conclusion as to whether or not I'm a fan.
Hitessh Panchal
Some Books are Hair Raising and then some are Hair Splitting and Then there are third kind, that will take away all your hair , by the time you reach the end.

Okay ...anyone who has read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" ... (not completely, at least a half or at least a quarter of it-like me )..will know.. where Paulo was inspired from. Then he Twists the Story about searching Angels, putting females riding Motorcycles in desert , calling them Valkyries.

The Book should be named Introd

Some Books are Hair Raising and then some are Hair Splitting and Then there are third kind, that will take away all your hair , by the time you reach the end.

Okay ...anyone who has read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" ... (not completely, at least a half or at least a quarter of it-like me )..will know.. where Paulo was inspired from. Then he Twists the Story about searching Angels, putting females riding Motorcycles in desert , calling them Valkyries.

The Book should be named Introduction to Witchcraftism ( ye ye .. i know. ..there is no word as witchcraftism...but i hope you get the point). Amidst those motorcycle riding females, who perform Voodoo in desert, you will find Paulo blabbering like a nut and his wife bearing his blabbering about god knows what.

I Wish..Goodreads considers negative ratings from book..and this will top this list.

Why did I continued reading it after 50 % ?

Because, I wanted to review it Harshly....

PS.. the entire wisdom is in last 20 percent of the book... read that and you will save yourself from this head-aching experience.

At 50% it was the time i finished it ... it was Truck Load Of Crap.

Ahmed R. Rashwan
Paulo Coelho's 'The Valkyries' fell into my lap at the peak time of my admiration for its author. I think I rated it so highly was because I really loved the plot. Looking back at it now I believe that my lack of tolerance for Paulo's mystic ways would have most probably repulsed me, but at the time I was quite enthralled by it.

All I can say is that you will be in a confused state as to whether this is a novel or an autobiography, or a concocted cocktail of cockery. In hindsight, it would seem t

Paulo Coelho's 'The Valkyries' fell into my lap at the peak time of my admiration for its author. I think I rated it so highly was because I really loved the plot. Looking back at it now I believe that my lack of tolerance for Paulo's mystic ways would have most probably repulsed me, but at the time I was quite enthralled by it.

All I can say is that you will be in a confused state as to whether this is a novel or an autobiography, or a concocted cocktail of cockery. In hindsight, it would seem that Paulo really wants to be the most admired, most mystic and mysterious. It just comes out as weird.

I wish these stories or plots had come to other writers who would have done it more justice. But alas!

Rana Adham
After getting introduced to Coelho via "The Alchemist", imagine my expectations when I stumbled upon this one.

I don't remember when I read it exactly, but I remember the weird ending that was supposedly true. True as in "happened to Coelho in real life". It might have happened, and I might have believed it, if only anything in the book made sense.

After getting introduced to Coelho via "The Alchemist", imagine my expectations when I stumbled upon this one.

I don't remember when I read it exactly, but I remember the weird ending that was supposedly true. True as in "happened to Coelho in real life". It might have happened, and I might have believed it, if only anything in the book made sense.

The Brazilian author PAULO COELHO was born in 1947 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist and journalist. In 1986, PAULO COELHO did the pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience later to be documented in his book The Pilgrimage. In the following year, COELHO published The Alchemist. Slow in The Brazilian author PAULO COELHO was born in 1947 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist and journalist. In 1986, PAULO COELHO did the pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience later to be documented in his book The Pilgrimage. In the following year, COELHO published The Alchemist. Slow initial sales convinced his first publisher to drop the novel, but it went on to become one of the best selling Brazilian books of all time. Other titles include Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), By the river Piedra I sat Down and Wept (1994), the collection of his best columns published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo entitle Maktub (1994), the compilation of texts Phrases (1995), The Fifth Mountain (1996), Manual of a Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika decides to die (1998), The Devil and Miss Prym (2000), the compilation of traditional tales in Stories for parents, children and grandchildren (2001), Eleven Minutes (2003), The Zahir (2005), The Witch of Portobello (2006) and Winner Stands Alone (to be released in 2009). During the months of March, April, May and June 2006, Paulo Coelho traveled to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella in 1986. He also held surprise book signings - announced one day in advance - in some cities along the way, to have a chance to meet his readers. In ninety days of pilgrimage the author traveled around the globe and took the famous Transiberrian train that took him to Vladivostok. During this experience Paulo Coelho launched his blog Walking the Path - The Pilgrimage in order to share with his readers his impressions. Since this first blog Paulo Coelho has expanded his presence in the internet with his daily blogs in Wordpress, Myspace & Facebook. He is equally present in media sharing sites such as Youtube and Flickr, offering on a regular basis not only texts but also videos and pictures to his readers. From this intensive interest and use of the Internet sprang his bold new project: The Experimental Witch where he invites his readers to adapt to the screen his book The Witch of Portobello. Indeed Paulo Coelho is a firm believer of Internet as a new media and is the first Best-selling author to actively support online free distribution of his work. ...more

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